Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Benson Family Goes Skating!

We were invited to go skating today with some friends from church. Yes, roller skating rinks apparently still exist! AnnaGrace has been skating with school a couple of times, but Brinlee and Josie had never been so we thought it would be fun to take them. Maybe Saturday wasn't the best day to go because there was a TON of people that had the same idea we had. After we payed, Brinlee decided she isn't even going to put a pair of skates on her feet. AnnaGrace, Josie, and I all get our skates on. These are the same kind of skates that I skated in 20 years ago. If it were the same rink, I would think they were the exact same skates. After AnnaGrace gets her skates on, she chickens out and will not even go onto the floor. Josie is very excited, but she is confused and thinks that this is our Disney World trip and she keeps asking me where Mickey is. She does go out onto the floor with me and she is actually pretty good for a three year old. It took us about fifteen minutes to make one trip around the floor, but hey we did it and no broken bones! I am upset that Clint didn't get any pictures of me doing back flips in my skates. No, I didn't do any backflips, but I took a few trips around the floor by myself with no falls and I am very proud of that! For only $11, we had a great time. And you can't beat the music that you get to hear at the skating rink!


  1. They haven't updated skates yet?!

  2. Did you skate?
    We are planning a family skating trip this weekend ~ I think I'm going to get up on some and see how it works out. LoL. One of Jager's chirstmas gifts was a new pair of skates.
