Sunday, October 10, 2010

Catch Up Time! *(This is for you Lisa!)*

Obviously, I am not very good at keeping the Benson Five blog updated. I started a new position at school this year and it is eating up most of my free time. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE IT, but it is like living my first year of teaching all over again. So I am spending a lot of time researching and finding lessons for my ESOL kids and not to mention I have 2 segments of fifth grade science which is...well, NOT kindergarten! So, I am having to do a lot of studying as well. :) I just thought I was finished with school and homework! I am just going to post some pics from the past month. I will TRY to put them in order...

*My cousin, Lisa, is the only person who reads this blog that I know of. She reminds me when I need to update...sorry it's taken me so long Lisa. YOU NEED TO GET ON FACEBOOK!*

Stanley Family Reunion, Blue Ridge, GA

These pictures were taken in front of the house that my grandparents and great-grandparents used to live in. A lot of memories were made in this old house.

Stanley Church

5 of 9 brothers and sisters

Lisa...I know she is going to kill me for this...

Josie loves Cousin Lisa! Bless her heart, she is still learning how to smile for pictures. :)

It's ok weren't the only one who ate a lot that day! (Carrie doesn't read my blog so she will never know this is on here.)

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